data[$name])) return $this->data[$name]; } /** * Magic setter function * * @return mixed */ public function __set($name, $value) { $this->data[$name] = $value; } public function getDBFields() { return $this->dbFields; } /** * Returns all data fields but removes filtered datapoints like passwords, etc */ public function getDataFiltered() { $data = $this->data; if(is_array($this->hidden)) foreach($this->hidden as $secretfield) unset($data[$secretfield]); foreach($this->dbFields as $field=>$options) if($options['type']=='csv') $data[$field] = ($data[$field]?explode(';',$data[$field]):[]); return $data; } public function getField($field,$id=false) { if(!$id) $id = $this->id; return $GLOBALS['redis']->hget($this->dbTable.':'.$id,$field); } public function save() { $newgen = false; if (!$this->id) { $this->id = gen_ulid(); $newgen = true; } if (!$this->validate($newgen)) return false; foreach($this->dbFields as $field=>$options) { if(isset($this->data[$field])) { if($options['type']=='array' && is_array($this->data[$field])) $GLOBALS['redis']->hset($this->dbTable.':'.$this->id,$field,json_encode($this->data[$field])); else if($options['type']=='array' && !is_array($this->data[$field])) $GLOBALS['redis']->hset($this->dbTable.':'.$this->id,$field,json_encode([])); else { $GLOBALS['redis']->hset($this->dbTable.':'.$this->id,$field,$this->data[$field]); } } } return $this->id; } /** * @param $value The value to search for * @param string $field The field to search in. HAS to be marked as unique otherwise will throw error */ public function load($value=false,$field='id') { if(!$value) $value = $this->id; if($field!='id') { //sanity check. Check if $field is marked as unique if(!in_array('unique',$this->dbFields[$field])) throw new Exception($field.' is not unique'); //we need to find the id first $keys = $GLOBALS['redis']->keys($this->dbTable.':*'); foreach($keys as $key){ $id = end(explode(':',$key)); $thisval = $GLOBALS['redis']->hget($this->dbTable.':'.$id,$field); if($thisval==$value) { $this->id = $id; break; } } } else $this->id = $value; if(!$GLOBALS['redis']->exists($this->dbTable.':'.$this->id)) throw new Exception($this->dbTable.':'.$this->id.' not found'); $keys = array_keys($this->dbFields); foreach($keys as $key) { $value = $GLOBALS['redis']->hget($this->dbTable.':'.$this->id,$key); //var_dump("[".$this->dbTable.':'.$this->id."] Loading from DB $key: '$value'"); if($value!==NULL) //we'll leave null values alone switch($this->dbFields[$key]['type']) { case 'int': $value = intval($value);break; case 'bool': $value = boolval($value);break; case 'float': $value = floatval($value);break; case 'double': $value = doubleval($value);break; case 'array': if(!$value) $value = []; else if(is_string($value)) $value = json_decode($value,true); break; } $this->data[$key] = $value; } return true; } /** * @param array $data */ private function validate($newgen=false) { if (!$this->dbFields) return true; $data = $this->data; foreach ($this->dbFields as $key => $options) { $type = null; $required = false; if(in_array('autoupdate',$options)) $this->data[$key] = NULL; if (isset($data[$key])) $value = $data[$key]; else $value = null; if (is_array($value)) continue; // if (isset($desc[0])) // $type = $desc[0]; if (in_array('required',$options)) $required = true; if($value===null && $options['autoValMethod']) { if(method_exists($this,$options['autoValMethod'])) $value = $this->{$options['autoValMethod']}(); else if(function_exists($options['autoValMethod'])) $value = $options['autoValMethod'](); else $value = null; $this->data[$key] = $value; } if($options['default']!==null && $newgen === true && !$value) { $value = $options['default']; $this->data[$key] = $value; } if ($required && strlen($value) == 0) { throw new Exception($this->dbTable . "." . $key . " is required"); } if ($value == null) continue; switch ($type) { case 'email': $regexp = null; if (!filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { throw new Exception("$type validation failed"); } break; case 'array': if(!is_array($value)) throw new Exception('Dogs validation failed'); break; case 'csv': case "text": $regexp = null; break; case "int": $regexp = "/^[0-9]*$/"; break; case "double": $regexp = "/^[0-9\.]*$/"; break; case "bool": $regexp = '/^(yes|no|0|1|true|false)$/i'; break; case "datetime": $regexp = "/^[0-9a-zA-Z -:]*$/"; break; default: $regexp = $type; break; } if (!$regexp) continue; if (!preg_match($regexp, $value)) { throw new Exception("$type validation failed"); } } return true; } function exists($id) { return $GLOBALS['redis']->exists($this->dbTable.':'.$id); } function delete() { return $GLOBALS['redis']->del($this->dbTable.':'.$this->id); } function gen_shorthash(){ return substr(uniqid(),-7); } function getDateTime($time=false) { return date('Y-m-d H:i:s',($time?$time:time())); } }