All checks were successful
Build and push / Pulling repo on server (push) Successful in 4s
237 lines
7.2 KiB
237 lines
7.2 KiB
//$ergebnisse = file_get_contents('');
//file_put_contents('tmp/ergebnisse.html', $ergebnisse);
$GLOBALS['db'] = new SQLite3('data.db');
if(!$GLOBALS['db']) exit("Error loading database");
// analyzeResultCSV('tmp/csv/389-7637.pdf.csv',7637,389);
// exit();
$html = file_get_contents('tmp/ergebnisse.html');
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$query = '//ul[@class="pagination"]/child::*';
$nodes = $xpath->query($query);
$GLOBALS['pdfs'] = 0;
// Loop through the selected nodes
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
// Do something with each node, for example, echo its content
$url = $node->getElementsByTagName('a')[0]->getAttribute('href');
$number = intval($node->nodeValue);
if($number > $last_page){
$last_page = $number;
echo "[i] Found $last_page pages\n";
//create an array with all pages
$pages = range(1,65);
// foreach($pages as $page)
// {
// echo "[i] Crawling page $page\n";
// scanPage($page);
// }
function scanPage($key,$usecache=true)
$page = '' . $key;
if(file_exists('tmp/pages/' . ($key) . '.html' && $usecache===true)){
$html = file_get_contents($page);
$html = file_get_contents($page);
file_put_contents('tmp/pages/' . ($key) . '.html', $html);
$dom = new DOMDocument;
// search for all divs with class "resultboard"
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$query = '//div[@class="resultboard info-board info-board-default2"]';
$nodes = $xpath->query($query);
// Loop through the selected nodes
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
// CUPs
$div = $node->getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
$id = $div->getAttribute('data-event');
$name = trim($div->getElementsByTagName('div')[1]->nodeValue);
$organizer = trim($div->getElementsByTagName('div')[2]->nodeValue);
$date = trim($div->getElementsByTagName('div')[3]->nodeValue);
$db_date = date(DATE_RFC3339, strtotime($date));
//if not exists, add to db
$res = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT * FROM events WHERE id = '$id'");
if($res->fetchArray() == false)
$GLOBALS['db']->exec("INSERT INTO events (id, name, organizer, date) VALUES ('$id', '$name', '$organizer', '$db_date')");
echo " [E] $id - $name - $organizer - $date\n";
function crawlRuns($eventid,$usecache=true)
if(file_exists('tmp/events/' . $eventid . '.html') && $usecache===true)
$data = file_get_contents('tmp/events/' . $eventid . '.html');
$data = file_get_contents(''. $eventid .'&lauf=0');
file_put_contents('tmp/events/' . $eventid . '.html', $data);
//get first table using DOMDocument
$dom = new DOMDocument;
Derzeit sind keine Ergebnisse")!==false)
echo " [i] Keine Einzelwertungen\n";
// when the string "Cup-Wertung" is found
if(strpos($data, 'Cup-Wertung') !== false){
echo " [i] Found Cup-Wertung, skipping first table\n";
$table = $dom->getElementsByTagName('table')[1];
$table = $dom->getElementsByTagName('table')[0];
if(!$table) return;
foreach($table->getElementsByTagName('tr') as $row){
if(!$row) continue;
$rid = $row->getAttribute('id');
$rid = explode('_', $rid)[1];
$tds = $row->getElementsByTagName('td');
if(count($tds) == 3) //rally obedience
$runname = trim($tds[0]->nodeValue);
$lk = trim($tds[1]->nodeValue);
$pdf = $tds[2]->getElementsByTagName('a')[0]->getAttribute('href');
else if(count($tds) == 4) // agility
$runname = trim($tds[0]->nodeValue);
$lk = trim($tds[1]->nodeValue);
$gk = trim($tds[2]->nodeValue);
$pdf = $tds[3]->getElementsByTagName('a')[0]->getAttribute('href');
//add run to db if not exists
$res = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT * FROM runs WHERE id = '$rid'");
if($res->fetchArray() == false)
$GLOBALS['db']->exec("INSERT INTO runs (id, name, event, lk, gk) VALUES ('$rid', '$runname', '$eventid', '$lk', '$gk')");
if(!$runname || !$lk || !$pdf) continue;
echo " [R-$rid] $runname - $lk - $gk - $pdf\n";
//exit("Crawling $eventid");
function getResults($run,$event)
if(!$run || !$event) return;
$url = "$run&event=$event";
if(!file_exists('tmp/results/' . $event . '-' . $run . '.pdf'))
file_put_contents('tmp/results/' . $event . '-' . $run . '.pdf',file_get_contents($url));
convertPDFtoCSV('tmp/results/' . $event . '-' . $run . '.pdf','tmp/csv/' . $event . '-' . $run . '.pdf.csv');
analyzeResultCSV('tmp/csv/' . $event . '-' . $run . '.pdf.csv',$run,$event);
function analyzeResultCSV($csvfile,$run,$event)
$csv = array_map('str_getcsv', file($csvfile));
//prepare header for database
foreach($csv[0] as $key=>$value){
$csv[0][$key] = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9]/', '', strtolower($value));
array_walk($csv, function(&$a) use ($csv) {
$a = array_combine($csv[0], $a);
array_shift($csv); # remove column header
foreach($csv as $row)
$stnr = $row['stnr'];
$teilnehmer = $row['teilnehmer'];
$hund = $row['hund'];
$rang = $row['rang'];
$verein = $row['verein'];
$f = $row['f'];
$vw = $row['vw'];
$zf = $row['zf'];
$zeit = $row['zeit'];
$gf = $row['gf'];
$msek = $row['msek'];
$punkte = $row['punkte'];
$bew = $row['bew'];
//add result to db if not exists
$res = $GLOBALS['db']->query("SELECT * FROM results WHERE stnr = '$stnr' AND run = '$run' AND event = '$event'");
if($res->fetchArray() == false)
$GLOBALS['db']->exec("INSERT INTO results (stnr, rang, run, event, teilnehmer, hund, verein, f, vw, zf, zeit, gf, msek, bew, punkte) VALUES ('$stnr', '$rang', '$run', '$event', '$teilnehmer', '$hund', '$verein', '$f', '$vw', '$zf', '$zeit', '$gf', '$msek', '$bew', '$punkte')");
//else echo " [i] Skipping $teilnehmer in run $run in event $event\n";
catch(Exception $ex) {
//die( $ex->getMessage() );
function convertPDFtoCSV($pdf,$targetname)
if(file_exists($targetname)) return;
$csv = analyze($pdf);
file_put_contents($targetname, $csv);
function analyze($pdf) {
$cmd = "java -jar tabula-1.0.5-jar-with-dependencies.jar -f CSV $pdf";
$output = shell_exec($cmd);
return $output;